Women’s Health

Women’s health refers to the medical needs unique to female physiology.


Women's Health

Women’s Health is a broad field providing care at every stage and age of life for the unique needs of female physiology.  Here at Surfside Primary Care Medicine among our many options to promote the health and wellness of our female patients, we provide cancer screening, hormone evaluation and treatment, general gynecologic care. 

No. Even after menopause women have unique medical conditions that require conscientious care. Our goal is to provide care resulting in robust health to maintain wellness and function throughout the life of our patients.

Management of a pregnancy and the delivery of a child was for many years performed by General Practitioners.  For such a wonderful moment in the lives of our patients we intrust their care to the expertise of exceptional specialists in obstetrics here in South Florida.

Stress incontinence and urge incontinence are a facet of Urogynecological care and can result in severe medical conditions. It can have a range of causes from uncomplicated childbirth to serious neurological and structural conditions. Here at Surfside Primary Care Medicine, in addition to thorough medical evaluation, we have non-surgical options to address incontinence, pelvic floor dysfunction and chronic pelvic pain.

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